Gratitude Journals
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Gratitude Journals
Take a mindful moment and make thankfulness a habit with our gratitude journal. Inside find daily prompts, morning and evening, encouraging you to reflect on the things you're grateful for. Time spent in nature, a conversation that made you smile, perhaps a good deed you did or received – even remembering the small things can give you a little lift. There's space to write letters to yourself for the future, reminding you of things you've achieved or checking-in with longer term targets. 30-day reflections are your mini monthly reminder to note down thoughts, feelings and lessons. These are paired with 30-day life wheels, which provide space to colour in the areas of life you want to focus on going forward. You can personalise your journal with a name, uplifting message or motto. Plus, our gratitude journals come in a variety of designs for you to choose your gratitude style. For some instant inspiration, check out our favourite tips for keeping a gratitude journal.
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