We’re here to help
We’ve gathered some common questions below, plus different ways you can contact our team. Based on thousands of reviews, we’ve been rated 4.7/5 stars. If you cant find the answer you’re looking for below, just send us a (virtual) note.
Get in touch

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Our FAQs page may have a quick answer to your question. Otherwise, get in touch below.
Go to FAQs pageGet in touch
Live chat
We’re here to live chat with you Monday to Thursday 10am to 6pm UK time and Friday 10am to 5pm UK time. If you send a message outside these hours it will still reach us and we’ll respond via email the next business day If we’re particularly busy and no one is available to chat we’ll still receive your message and will respond via email as soon as possible! Please use the black live chat button in the bottom right corner to talk to a member of the team.
Email us
We will always prioritise issues that need an urgent response such as order cancellations or amends and emails about weddings or events that are coming up very soon.
Message us on Whatsapp
We’re on whatsapp too! Click the link below to send us a message and we’ll get back to you within 2 business hours Monday to Friday.
Enquires for PR, wholesale, bulk orders and more
Wholesale enquiries
If you’re interested in stocking our beautiful products, send our wholesale team an email wholesale@papier.com and they’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Business & bulk order enquiries
For more information, or to submit an enquiry about an order of less than 100 items, please visit our business page. If you’re planning to order more than 100 items, please get in touch using one of the methods above.
PR & marketing enquiries
For press requests, including requests for samples or hi-res imagery, please email press@papier.com or get in touch with our global head of PR, Holly, directly at holly@papier.com. For social and influencer enquiries, please email us at community@papier.com
Designer enquiries
We're often on the lookout for fresh talent and designs. Please email press@papier.com with any submissions. Unfortunately, due to the high volume of design submissions received, we're not able to provide individual feedback if your artwork isn't quite what we're looking for at the moment.