Artful Advice

Celebrating unforgettable moments with photo cards

Cards to capture every memory and occasion.

Celebrating unforgettable moments with photo cards

A photo can say a thousand words. It’s magic how a significant snap can transport you to a different time – reminding you of your most noteworthy moments. Memorable trips, graduation weekend, or summer nights you wish could last forever. These are the days we’ll remember long after they’ve passed – made all the easier with a photo card to mark the occasion.

Pick, personalise and send a photo card, with some help from our handy tips.

Why send a personalised photo card?

With access to hundreds of fun card designs at Papier, you’re already sure to find something they’ll love. But for those personal moments and keep-forever sentiments, nothing says it better than a personalised photo card. A truly unique gesture that shows thought, care and attention to detail, a photo card is the best way to capture a moment in time in print – signifying a special memory shared.

Papier photo card image

Who to send a photo card to, and when?

Happy birthdays, “you did it!”s, proud moments, and thank yous – they all sound that much sweeter when paired with a picture.

Maybe it’s a snap from a favourite holiday, your best friend’s wedding or a special setting that means something to them – you can pick a message to suit the image, or the other way around. Either way, it’s a keepsake they’ll come back to over the years, and shows you’ve put time and effort into creating something they’ll love.

You can also send photo cards to mark your own milestones, acting as announcements to your nearest and dearest. A change of address card with a photo of your brand new pad, or something to celebrate the arrival of your latest addition. Personalised photo cards are a sweet way to keep loved ones in the loop from afar, especially if they’re unable to celebrate these milestones by your side.

How to design and personalise a photo card

Creating a photo card couldn’t be easier. You can upload photos straight from your phone or social media account, and then choose a layout you love. It might be a photo collage of a few favourite images, or maybe one star snapshot that shines on its own.

Once you’ve picked, it’s time to add some personal text to the front – maybe their name, an important date or meaningful words. If you’re not sure what to type inside, you can have your photo card sent to you first, so you can mull over handwriting a thoughtful message at your own pace. The best part is, delivery is always super speedy – even for personalised pieces!

Something special coming up? There’s a photo card layout waiting to be filled with your memories. Explore our photo card collection today.

Treasured moments, better in print

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