As a new academic year appears on the horizon, having the right physical and mental tools can help you positively hit the ground running. Pen and paper is proven to boost memory, productivity and a sense of calm. Whether it’s simply taking notes or using specific study techniques, our academic year diaries and notebooks have been designed to support every kind of academic venture.
In this article we’ll unpack science-backed study tips, and the Papier pieces to help you put them into action. If you’ve already got your desk favourites in mind, explore our essentials for going back to campus now.
The benefits of paper over screens
Making revision stick can be tricky, but studies show the effects of consuming content when using paper are superior to a tablet or smartphone. The complex, spatial and tactile elements of writing information down increases your brain activity and elevates your retention of information. So whether you’re listening to a lecture or revising at your desk, do it with a notebook by your side. The 3-2-1 technique is a useful memory method. Simply read material 3 times, say it out loud twice and write it down once.
Mind mapping & visual organisation
Get to know your brain and what it likes. The way we present information has an impact on how much we pay attention to it. Learn what patterns you like whether it’s mind mapping, colour coding systems or categorisation, and adapt your spreads in the best way for you. Our range of accessories are perfect for bringing these study techniques to life. From highlighters to stickers, fineliners to index tabs – pick the study tools to make your pages pop.

Use books to time-block
Balancing plans, revision, and deadlines can be quite overwhelming. With our academic year diary’s handy timetables, you can activate useful time-blocking techniques to make days more manageable like the 4 quarters method. Split your day into 4 parts to enter each one with a fresh mindset and a higher chance of getting your tasks done.
Multi Mono-tasking
Having single tasks, goals and priorities at a time helps you tackle what’s most important. So it’s best to work through a few simple goals one by one and not let in too much outside noise. These goals don’t just have to be study-based – they could help you pursue a passion or focus on your wellbeing. Stationery is particularly good for mono-tasking, because it doesn’t come with the usual distractions of a screen like emails and notifications. So you can complete tasks and tick off to-dos with ease.
Pen & paper can help to reduce stress
We think, create and generally function better when relaxed. Pen and paper invites us to slow down and process tasks clearly. It can even have a positive impact on our dopamine levels, so we’re more excited for the tasks ahead. Some studies have also shown writing lowers cortisol levels – the stress hormone – which is just another example of the magic of paper. Whether it’s a notebook, diary or journal, find a few moments of calm each day with a paper companion.
Ready to pack your bag for the new academic year? Explore our study essentials and find the pieces to prepare for your best year yet.