Artful Advice

A Herbal Infusion for a Fresh Year with Fleurs d’hiver

Founder Charlotte Baverel shares her mood & immune-boosting recipe for 2021.

We’ve always believed in staying hydrated at our desks. But as the New Year dawns, we’re on a quest for a new kind of elixir to soothe, reset and refresh. Charlotte Baverel, creator of French-based herbal tea infusion brand Fleurs d’hiver, is here to help (merci beaucoup). Her handmade herbal tea lollies are the parfaite potion for a fresh body and mind, plus they taste and look delightful. Read on for the special infusion mix Charlotte’s concocted to energize us all for 2021.


What’s the Fleurs d’hiver story?
Our herbal teas lollies are handmade with organic products in small batches. The seasons and picking times give rhythm to our collections. The idea was born in the mountains of Switzerland where I was studying in 2012, where I met an herbalist who was harvesting medicinal plants and honey.

I decided that I wanted to tell a story which links honey and flowers by blending the two together in a beautiful product which is as good to look at as it is to drink. When you put your herbal tea lolly in a cup of hot water, the honey and flowers infuse in the cup. You can then enjoy a comforting and naturally sweetened infusion.

What benefits do you find from drinking herbal infusions at your desk?
Herbal infusions help me to either focus after a lunch break or relax if I’m stressed. They keep me hydrated and warm all day long while boosting my immune system. It’s also a nice way to take small breaks from what you are doing and get inspired.

Which flavors and ingredients will you be drinking lots of this new year and why?
I will start this new year with lots of ginger. It’s full of antioxidants and it helps strengthen your immunity as well as reducing stress. Sage and thyme are also really good for cold winter days and can be a nice boost to start the year full of energy!

Tell us a little bit about the recipe you’re about to share with us...
This New Year mix is full of vitamins and detoxifying ingredients. The orange reminds me of my favorite childhood flavors. All together this mix is good for digestion. As we know now that our intestine is our second brain, this will also free our minds!


New Year Infusion Mix

Give this recipe a try first thing in the morning and see how you feel for the rest of the day. It just takes a few simple ingredients and 5 easy steps.

Ingredients & accessories:

~ Sterilized glass jar (You can sterilize by immersing your jar in boiling water for 10 minutes.)
~ Honey
~ 1 organic untreated orange cut in slices
~ 1 organic untreated lemon cut in slices
~ Peeled ginger cut in small slices
~ Two cinnamon sticks
~ Thyme bunches


~ Carefully arrange all ingredients in your jar.
~ Pour the honey on the top of it until the jar is full.
~ Leave in the fridge for a night.
~ Use one spoon of this mix in your preferred mug and pour the boiled water over it.
~ Let it infuse for 6 minutes, relax and enjoy!
~ You can keep your infusion mix in the fridge for a month.

Charlotte's Papier picks

Feeling inspired to take good care of yourself this year? Find yourself a Wellness Journal to sit alongside soothing infusions on your desk.

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